
Monday, September 21, 2009

Market and Communication Strategy for Cambodia rolled out

by Alfred Schmidley

A multi-stakeholder workshop dubbed as "Market Communication Strategy in Cambodia" was conduted on September 7-8, 2009.  This workshop aimed to define further needs, topics, and next steps for the Project, including how to: 1) operationalize the Learning Alliance, 2) assess communication needs and strategies, and 3) scale out previously piloted PH technologies and interventions by developing integrated business models.

The Workshop was opened by the Deputy Secretary General of MAFF, His Excellency Sen Sovann.  The Monday dinner was also attended by His Excellency Lord Reasmey, Secretary General of MAFF.  Dr. Meas Pyseth, International Programs Coordinator at MAFF and the IRRI PH Project consultant, along with Team consultants Vichet Sorn and Son Sovann, did an outstanding job with local preparations to make the Workshop a success.

In addition, ADB Postharvest project staff Rica Flor and Trina Mendoza made field visits following the to gather additional information on needs and perspectives from farmer cooperators in Prey Veng